Flick Practice Sentences




You will be videotaped for your CLNTCE, and the people rating you will not be live in the room with you.  Videos are 2D and, therefore, you will want to make your flicks as clear, crisp and obvious as possible to ensure that the raters can see them. Here are some sentences I've created which contain several flicks for you to use in your practice.  After each sentence, I've listed the number of flicks contained in the sentence (based on my accent and pronunciation, which is obviously subject to change depending on the speaker :)


1.) When Bob's brakes screeched for the first time, he rolled down the window to listen. (5)


2.)  Rob knows Zoey's husband divorced her because Gabe now lives alone. (6)


3.) The Communications Commission set forth new goals because they wanted diversity to thrive. (3)


4.) I was reimbursed for the raft that my sister bought for me because it leaked. (4)


5.) Hang your little white clothes on brown hooks. (4)


6.) Meet my son, Nolan.  He's in kindergarten now. (3)


7.) If you don't mind, watch your daddy's car while I run in now. (4)


8.) The taxes the business pays determines the profits. (2)


9.) My pants slipped down when I stomped my foot. (2)


10.) Jim, my brother in law, said, "You will like crows after this movie." (3)


11.) Mike yelled down, "You're so stupid!" real loud. (3)


12.) Wait for me to eat my breakfast, Tom. (3)


13.) Huge jars filled with glue are on the shelf. (2)


14.) Broadband network connections let us see many visual shows. (2)


15.) His dream came true when camouflaged pods for hunting went on sale. (4)


16.) Cleaning the fresh shrimp wasn't fun. (2)


17.) The map was big, but it folded to fit in the glove compartment. (2)


18.) The presentations at the Welsh Brown Institute continued providing new insight. (2)


19.) You'll have to scoot forward, Donny. (3)


20.) "Mice run to where stuff can hide them." said Delilah. (3)


21.) This student's best friend has a gift for her. (4)


22.) Of course, I'll give them my resume before school. (4)


23.) Don't tell what was said, please. (2)


24.) This story of the old pond gives you an idea. (4)


25.) Lucille likes his kites and how they swoop up and down. (3)


26.) Your review will be done by the work crew. (3)


27.) This stupid puzzle won't fit together. (4)


28.) Hang china dolls on the wall, like this. (2)


29.) Turn left more slowly and make the turn. (4)


30.) I think the waves splashed off of his calves, so he got his clothes wet. (5)


31.) The manager arrives for his shift for the Rainbow Horse Ranch at noon. (5)


32.) Is the stack of crates still holding your books? (4)


33.) Will one of you use the Time For Kids magazine from father? (4)


34.) Bring your favorite snack, or anything your heart desires. (3)


35.) As those shoes break in, they'll likely get more comfortable. (4)


36.) When I first told him I rode bike and played drums, he thought I was crazy. (4)


37.) Force Holly to take the time to iron his clothes. (6)


38.) He laughed because the poster was upside down. (3)


39.) When the craft had dried, she decided to paint and draw on it. (3)


40.) Save the time and place for the party. (2)


41.) Sometimes I'm overwhelmed, unless someone knows the answer. (4)


42.) Of the millions of babies born now, she is the cutest. (3)


43.) Was the skin graft painful, Lachelle? (3)


44.) Don't mistake the dotcom for the dotorg. (2)


45.) Use the old dominoes. (2)


46.) He drove the course fearlessly. (2)


47.) I'd like you to meet my parents, if you don't mind. (2)


48.) The work crew was done by the time we left. (3)


49.) To get to my house, go around, down, then, by the flag, go left. (5)


50.) Lift your hummingbird feeder above the fence. (3)


51.) Each child took the leaves they found home. (3)


52.) The judge granted Eric custody. (2)


53.) Miss Hugo said, "Taking your high school map probably would be a good idea." (4)


54.) Mrs. Iverson brought crisp potato chips with gumbo to the party. (3)


55.) At the store, Riley bought sun block and one huge gum ball. (3)


56.) Hand me one now, and plant yours over there. (2)


57.) At gym time, the teacher said we must go to our spots and don't talk. (3)


58.) Nicholas speaks with great care and says, "Good job, bowlers." (3)


59.) That's right, it's your turn to change Gus's diaper. (2)


60.) Cubes cover the entire bulletin board. (2)


61.) When she said, "I am forty two." they covered their mouths with their hands. (2)


62.) Our yard needs coniferous trees, like the Red Pine. (3)


63.) She was practicing how to trade down with Greg. (2)


64.) One, nine and six, supposedly are his code numbers. (3)


65.) Pink clothes cover the bedroom floor. (4)


66.) "I need to report my schedule." Loretta said privately. (3)


67.) "The school library is closed." Daria said. (3)


68.) The marker's colors flowed down brightly. (3)


69.) The M & M machine by the office supplies the crew with treats. (5)


70.) Track and field doesn't follow the softball game. (3)


71.) The rain blew and Davonte's colossal house started to rumble. (4)


72.) "He's just an average Joe." said Polly, as she reached for her brown bracelet. (4)


73.) That's their house and here's the driveway.  We'll show you around Zha Zha's complete neighborhood later. (5)


74.) He felt for the railing in the cold, dark theatre, then looked for their row. (4)


75.) Here's the change Justin gave him from Mom's gift. (4)