CS Discovery Bookstore » The official bookstore of the National Cued Speech Association. CS Discovery sells instructional books, videos, games, software, and other communication science and disorders-related products. The site also has an events calendar and forum.
National Cued Speech Association (NCSA) » The official website of the National Cued Speech Association for the United States. The National Cued Speech Association champions effective communication, language development and literacy through the use of Cued Speech. The NCSA provides, instruction, advocacy, information/outreach, and support to local organizations, cue camps, and families.
Language Matters, Inc. (LMI) » Signed, spoken, and cued language materials and services. Find transliterators, book courses, and buy products. LMI sells the video/DVD and workbook "Becoming a Proficient Cuer" which introduces the entire CS systems in a structured systematic way.
Boston Cues on Tap » Take a break from work and come to our monthly Cues on Tap events, held at various venues around MIT and the Boston area. As always, the food is on us -- just bring your appetite for communication, food, and fun! All levels are welcome including those who are interested but have no experience with Cued Speech.
Cue Camp New England » Cue Camp New England (CCNE) provides a fun and supportive family learning environment for new cuers and those wishing to improve their cueing skills. Classes and activities are available for parents, children, and professionals.
Cued Speech of Colorado (CSCO) » Founded on September 28, 2010 by a group of parents, professionals, and adult deaf cuers, Cued Speech of Colorado (CSCO) provides advocacy, education, and support for families and professionals that use Cued Speech with deaf and hard of hearing children and other populations with special needs.
DC Area-Cues on Tap » Information about Cues on Tap and other cueing events in DC, MD, and VA.
Cued Speech Association of Minnesota (CSAM) » Official website for the state Cued Speech Association in Minnesota. Offers information for transliterators, instructors, classes, practice events, and job postings. CSAM also provides a monthly newsletter for members.
Cued Speech Initiative at the University of South Florida » The Cued Speech Initiative promotes Cued Speech in the Tampa Bay area. They provide services to children and adults, host events to support people in learning to cue, and produce materials.
Cued Speech Association of Maine » The Cued Speech Association of Maine is a non-profit organization providing Cued Speech support and training for families, educators, and professionals. They host an annual summer camp, Cue Camp New England, for deaf children and their families and the professionals.
Maryland Cued Speech Association (MDCSA) » The MDCSA is a non-profit supporting Cued Speech in Maryland. The MDCSA holds a summer Cued Speech learning program for families and professionals – Cue Camp Friendship. Members receive e-mail updates; resource referrals for babysitters, classes, camps, transliterators, and experienced cuers; a membership directory; and information about camps, meetings, and conferences related to Cued Speech. In addition, MDCSA members are eligible for reduced dues when joining the NCSA.
Lessons, Instruction, Practice
Word Count » Shows the frequency of use for English words in a cool interface.
The Art of Cueing » Provides introductory lessons in Cued Speech for American English. Includes video examples and materials.
Cue Camps & Conferences
Spring Camp Cheerio » Located in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, this annual learning event is held at Camp Cheerio, a family camp with board, lodging, and recreational activities for all ages. The weekend is designed for individuals and families interested in learning strategies for spoken language and sharing experiences as they relate to hearing impairment. Cued Speech Classes will also be offered during the weekend.
Educational Programs for Children
Behnke Preschool » This unique preschool in Seattle, WA emphasizes language and literacy. Their curriculum is progressive, developmental and multi-sensory with individualization. They take a theme-based approach to learning and integrate early math, science, social studies, language, music, art, and social skills into fun and interactive activities.
Alexander Graham Bell Montessori School & AEHI » Alternatives in Education for the Hearing Impaired (AEHI) fosters literacy and empowers people with hearing loss to achieve their full potential through unique educational options. They provide age-appropriate literacy skills for deaf and hard-of-hearing children; provide training in Cued Speech; offer a visual/oral Cued Speech program to educate deaf children with their hearing peers; and inform educators throughout the Midwest on techniques to improve literacy rates and speech and listening skills for children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Canterbury Woods Elementary School - Annandale, VA » The Cued Speech Program at Canterbury Woods provides a means for deaf/hard of hearing students to access information through the use of Cued American English. A staff of Deaf Educators, Cued Language Transliterators, Speech/Language Pathologists, Instructional Assistants, Audiologists, and Administrators work as a team to provide an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for each child from Preschool through Sixth Grade. Children participate in various settings ranging from small group instruction to inclusion in the general education classroom. After Sixth grade, the Cued Speech program continues at Frost Middle School and Woodson High School.
Montgomery County Public Schools - Rockville, MD » Offers deaf and hard of hearing children from birth through high school graduation in one of three communication approaches: Oral/Aural, Total Communication, and Cued Speech.
Other Cued Speech Resources
We Cue! - Blogs » Many contributors blog about their experiences with Cued Speech including topics such as parenting, learning, using transliterators, kids, and their reflections about the community.
R. Orin Cornett Memorial Cued Speech Collection » Online archive of Cued Speech documents. Includes issues of the Cued Speech News newsletter distributed by Gallaudet University from the 1960s-1990s.
Organizations Abroad & International Resources
Polish Cued Speech » Information in Polish on Fonogesty, the adaptation of Cued Speech used in Poland. Includes a chart of cues, video clips, and articles.
Finnish Cued Speech » Information in Finnish on the Cued Speech Adaptation used in Finland and the organization that advocates its use.
Método Oral Complementado (MOC) » Website on cued Spanish maintained by the Univeristy of Málaga. Presents CS as part of an auditory (re)habilitation program called the Método Oral Complementado (MOC). Contains general Cued Speech information in Spanish, updates on upcoming courses, charts, and answers to frequently asked questions
LPC Belgique » The website for the Belgian Cued Speech association.
Cued Speech Association UK » The official website of the national Cued Speech organization for England. Includes charts, newsletters, information sheets, and tips for implementing CS in the home, therapy, and classroom settings.
Learn to Cue » Produced by the CS Association UK, this excellent interactive, instructional website teaches the Cued Speech system used in England.
ALPC France » L'Association de Langage Parlé Complété (A.L.P.C.) is the national advocacy and training association for Cued Speech in France serving families and professionals. Site contains information in French regarding Cued Speech, various applications, and "les stages" (cuecamps) which are offered yearly.
DATHA » DATHA develops technology to support children with special needs in France. Materials for French and English (UK) Cued Speech are available as well as stories cued in French (histoires codées).
Cued Speech South Africa » Cued Speech South Africa was founded in 2007, with main objective of promoting the use of Cued Speech in South Africa. It is a voluntary association and is based near the KZN midlands village of Mid Illovo, approximately 60 km from Pietermaritzburg and 90 km from Durban.
American Sign Language Teachers Association (ASLTA) » This national membership organization for teachers of ASL provides contacts, chapter listings, news, code of ethics, curriculum guides, a newsletter, and job announcements.
National Association of the Deaf (NAD) » The nation's premier civil rights organization of, by, and for deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States of America.
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) » the national membership organization of professionals who provide sign language interpreting/transliterating services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons.
THROUGH DEAF EYES Documentary » This link to PBS provides information about THROUGH DEAF EYES – a two-hour HDTV documentary that explores 200 years of Deaf life in America. The film includes interviews with prominent members of the Deaf community, including actress Marlee Matlin and Gallaudet University president emeritus I. King Jordan. Film clips and a discussion guide are available online.
Hearing Loss/ Audiology
Degree of Hearing Loss » Ranges of hearing loss are shown and characterized by severity by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).
Cochlear Implant Overview » The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders provides a comprehensive, online overview of cochlear implants, their purpose, components, and function.
Advocacy/Disability Rights
Wrightslaw » Parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys come to Wrightslaw for accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.
Job Accomodation Network » The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. Working toward practical solutions that benefit both employer and employee, JAN helps people with disabilities enhance their employability, and shows employers how to capitalize on the value and talent that people with disabilities add to the workplace.
Hearing Loss Association of America » The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) provides assistance and resources for people with hearing loss and their families to learn how to adjust to living with hearing loss. HLAA is working to eradicate the stigma associated with hearing loss and raise public awareness about the need for prevention, treatment, and regular hearing screenings throughout life.
Community Interest
Cue Cognatio Media Channel » CueEverything.com, a Cue Cognatio production, serves to showcase CueMedia. A combination of user-generated content and Cue Cognatio Productions are premiered on this website and allow users to view a variety of videos related to Cued Speech in one place.
Tate Tullier Photography » Tate Tullier is a deaf, native cuer and talented photographer. This site serves as his photography portfolio. He takes an unconventional approach to shooting weddings and portraits. He also maintains a blog, which features more of his photography.