There are several ways to add a new iQpedia article.
[For site testers: eventually there will be a (+Create New Article) button. But until then, do one of the following: Let's say you want to create an article called "articulators". You can create a ink in another article called articulator, save your work, then click on it. It will automatically go to that new article.
Or you can go to any existing article and go into the url in your browser:
Highlight the already existing article's title:
Then replace it with your title:
The site will try to go to that url and when it doesn't find it, it will offer to create that new article.
Before you create a new article, be sure that the article does not already exist. Conduct a search to determine if someone has already started the article you're considering adding. For some articles, the title could vary. Be sure to search for variations of the title (e.g., Language Matters, Inc., Language Matters, LMI).
When you get to the Create New Article Page, the site will automatically show you similar articles to make sure that it doesn't exist.
The best titles are the most intuitive. If you want to write an article on the Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment, title it that. Leave the spaces and capitalization as is.