Sharing Your Story

You are viewing an old revision edited by Tom Shull on Friday, May 2, 2014, 1:01 p.m. Read the current version edited by Tom Shull on Thursday, May 8, 2014, 8:24 a.m. .

Within your profile is a place to put your story. This is an important part of your profile because it sets you apart from the set of roles you checked or the language you know. The purpose of the Story is to help people know more about you and to learn from you.

Entering Your Story

The story uses the same editor as other features of the site. So you can use special formatting like bold words, italics, or insert links if you wish. Remember, it doesn't have to be perfect. You can go back and edit your profile at any time to revise or update what you've written.

What Should I Write About?

Many people share their connection to Cued Speech – how they discovered it, what convinced them to use it, and how they learned. Parents often write about their children. Professionals sometimes talk about their training and what services they offer. Here are some other ideas to inspire you:

  • Your experience applying cueing at home.
  • Specialized knowledge (e.g., Down syndrome, reading instruction, autism, working with children who are deaf-blind).
  • Questions you still have and struggles you're dealing with.
  • Your hobbies and interests.
  • Some challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
  • Classes you offer.
  • Help new parents glimpse the future through your experiences.

Why Your Story Matters

The stories in DailyCues are like testimonials. People will be able to read a bit about your experiences and might relate to them. Your story might inspire questions about cueing and lead them to get more information. It can also be a great opportunity for people to connect. The terms you use in your story will be searchable. People may want to get in touch with you if you have special skills or knowledge. Researchers may contact you to be part of a study that advances Cued Speech.

Personal Information

Because this information is available on the web, limit any indentifying details you share about yourself and your family. Avoid naming specific names of places your family goes (e.g., schools, churches, etc.). And remember that there's no need to put your personal contact information in your story. Individuals can message you through the site without knowing your personal e-mail.