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Tom Shull on
Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2010, 9:06 a.m.
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Holly S. on
Monday, Dec. 28, 2015, 1:16 p.m.
The purpose of the CAECS-E is to evaluate the basic cued English skills of the candidate. This test evaluates handshape and placement accuracy, rhythm, prosody, connected discourse, and form.
The CAECS-E is offered through the mail. Written material is sent to a proctor who oversees the candidates testing. The candidate cues the written material while being videotaping. The tape is sent to the TECUnit for rating.
Test material is divided into three sections. The first two sections are comprised of single words. The final section is made up of sentences.
Speed is not measured by the CAECS-E, nor does speed affect one's rating. However, the candidate is evaluated on his/her ability to produce natural rhythm while cueing English.
Candidates receive 6 subscores from the CAECS-E:
* Vowel Accuracy
* Consonant Accuracy
* Handshape-Placement Accuracy
* Form
* Prosody
* Discourse
Vowel Accuracy :: While cueing single words, the candidate's cueing is evaluated based on vowel accuracy alone.
Consonant Accuracy :: While cueing single words, the candidate's cueing is evaluated based on consonant accuracy alone.
Handshape-Placement Accuracy :: While cueing single words, the candidate is evaluated in terms of both consonant and vowel accuracy. Additionally, the candidate is evaluated by his/her ability to combine handshapes and placements into cued segments (i.e. consonant-vowel segments represented as handshape + placement/movement).
Form :: The candidate is evaluated on his/her expressive clarity. This subscore is negatively impacted by handshapes that are only partially rendered, the candidate's failure to touch vowel placements, inaccurate transitions between cues, extraneous movements, and an inconsistent side placement.
Prosody :: For this score, the candidate is evaluated by his/her ability to model visual prosodic elements of cued discourse. These elements include mood, inflection, and prominence (stress at the syllable and word level).
Discourse :: The candidate is given a score based on his/her ability to produce cues with natural rhythm. This subscore is negatively impacted by choppy, halting cueing, and pausing within words.
These subscores are averaged to yield the candidates overall score. The candidates rating is determined by the range of scores that the candidates score falls within.
3.4-4.0 Acceptable ::
2.7-3.3 Developing ::
2.0-2.6 Emerging ::
1.0-1.9 Inaccurate ::
Not-Rateable ::
There is no passing score for the CAECS-E. However, a minimum rating may be required by personnel departments, school districts, or state agencies. The rating of "Acceptable" is the prerequisite for the Cued Language Transliterator National Certification Examination (CLTNCE).
Preparing for the CAECS-E
You Don't Know What You Don't Know.
Consult with skilled cuers to determine if you exhibit common errors or if you have mislearned information. Talk to several instructors (not just your original Cued Speech instructor).
"I Get Nervous In Front of a Camera." If you think you cue better when you are not in front of a camera, then you've got additional work to do. You will be videotaped for the CAECS-E. So, if a camera makes you nervous, start practicing in the same way that you will be tested. Prepare a list of short words and sentences to cue while you videotape yourself. Make yourself immune to the camera so that your true cueing will be revealed. Need more help? Print out our mock expressive test.
What Are You Looking At? Do you know what the CAECS-E is designed to measure? What do the levels mean? The CAECS-E measures your ability to show appropriate prosody. If you don't know what prosody means, you definitely need to find out.
Guess What I Heard! Speculation is a problem when it comes to testing. Don't let rumors affect your performance. If you have a question, ask the TECUnit directly. The TECUnit staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and willing to answer your questions.