Cued Speech Programs in Schools

You are viewing an old revision edited by Tiana Cove on Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015, 4:08 p.m. Read the current version edited by Suzy Brown on Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 4:15 p.m. .

English-Based Programs with Self-Contained Classrooms 

Transliterators Provided for Mainstreaming

Full Inclusion CS Programs

  • Alexander Graham Bell Montessori School & AEHI (IL) - Montessori based full-inclusion CS school, ages 6 weeks - Elementary (12 years).  CS used by all teachers with all students.

ASL/Cued English Programs

*Please specify grade levels and academic subjects in which Cued English is used for instruction.


Total Communication/ Cued English Programs

*Please specify grade levels and academic subjects in which Cued English is used for instruction