Differentiating the Vowels in Luke and Look

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When learning to cue, it can be tough to recognize and correctly cue the difference between /uo͞oueuo͞oueuo͞oue/ (as is Luke) and /ʊo͝oooʊo͝oooʊo͝ooo/ (as in look). 

/uo͞oueuo͞oueuo͞oue/ (chin placement) /ʊo͝oooʊo͝oooʊo͝ooo/ (throat placement)
suit soot
who'd hood
fool full
stewed stood
cooed could
shoed should
kooky cookie


Like many phonemes, variation can occur by dialect. In certain areas of the country (e.g., New York and New Jersey), it is not uncommon for words like room, roof, and broom to be pronounced with /ʊo͝oooʊo͝oooʊo͝ooo/ and cued at the throat placement.