Handshape 7

You are viewing an old revision edited by Tom Shull on Thursday, May 22, 2014, 9:34 a.m. Read the current version edited by Tom Shull on Friday, July 31, 2015, 11:15 a.m. .

Handshape 7 represents the consonant phonemes /ggggggggg, ʤjjʤjjʤjj, θththθththθthth/.


Mnemonic Phrases

  • girls juggle thimbles
  • thin jogger
  • gorilla jewel thief
  • three good jokes


Handshape 7 and Vowels

go, thug

Handshape 7 and Other Consonant Cues

Earth, eggs, game, gem, get, ghosts, girl, good, grace, java, large, just, myth, third, three, with

More Practice

4,800+ Words that Use handshape 7 - created by the Word List Generator

See Also