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Homophones are words that share the same pronunciation regardless of spelling.





Cued Speech Instruction

The use of homonyms can be useful to alleviate interference students sometimes experience from spelling. For instance, if a hearing student is having trouble buying into the idea that -ed can be pronounced as /t/, then the homophone pair missed-mist can provide a point of comparison.

Pairs like days-daze, does (i.e., female deer) -doze, grays-graze, gays-gaze, Oohs-ooze, pries-prize, and sighs-size can help focus students to the pronuncition of final -s  as /z/ in spite of its spelling.


In parts of the Western U.S., like Utah, a vowel merger has occured and the distinction between / / and / / has been lost. The use of honophones can be useful in a class to suss out which students will use the chin placement for / / and which will not. For example, by offering pairs like cot-caught, rot-wrought, knotty-naughty, the instructor can ask students, "Are these words pronounced the same or differently?" For students from the mid-Atlantic region for example, these words will be pronounced differently. For cuers from Utah, Idaho, and parts of California, they might be pronounced the same.

