Unstressed 'e' in Words like Happy

You are viewing an old revision edited by Tom Shull on Monday, Jan. 11, 2016, 8:28 a.m. Read the current version edited by Tom Shull on Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 12:38 p.m. .

For many years, cuers were instructed that the spoken English vowel /iēeeiēeeiēee/ when unstressed changes to /ɪĭiɪĭiɪĭi/. According to this reasoning, the final syllable of the word happy was cued at the throat: /hhhhhhhhhæăaæăaæăaˈˈˈˈˈˈˈˈˈpppppppppɪĭiɪĭiɪĭi/. Instructors commonly told students that when words ending in unstressed /iēeeiēeeiēee/ (e.g., candy, cookie, trolley) are spoken naturally in sentences, the final vowel was more likely to resemble pit than Pete. After much debate and some division in the community, the consensus is that this pronunciation does not apply to many American English speakers. The word Unknown dictionary link {{happy|hæˈpɪ|happy}} can be cued at the mouth.



Does /iēeeiēeeiēee/ Really Become /ɪĭiɪĭiɪĭi/?

Unstressed Prefixes

This can happen. Unstressed prefixes especially can change /ɪĭiɪĭiɪĭi/ or /əəəəəəəəə/. Consider words like beneath. When the second syllable is stressed, the first syllable is likely to be pronounced as /bbbbbbbbbɪĭiɪĭiɪĭi/.
