wh- words

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Most introductory CS classes devote some time to the topic of "wh-" words. Students learn that words like "when" may begin with handshape 4 or handshape 6

Phonemes as Contrastive Segments

Phonemes are all about contrast. These building blocks often have a partner that is produced similarly with one distinguishing feature. For example, /sssssssss/ and /zzzzzzzzz/ are spoken nearly identicually. However, /sssssssss/ is produced without vocal fold vibration (or voicing) and /zzzzzzzzz/ is produced with vibration. This distinction is important for making different words. The distinction between /sssssssss/ and /zzzzzzzzz/ allows us to recognize the difference between the words sip and zip or niece and knees.



Handshape 6: /wwwwwwwww Handshape 4: /ʍhwhwʍhwhwʍhwhw/
wack whack
wail whale
Wales whales
ware/ wear where
wares/ wears where's
weather whether
way/ weigh whey
we'll wheel
wet whet
wield wheeled
wig whig
wile while
wine whine
wire why're
wise why's
witch which
wither whither
woe whoa
word whirred
world whirled

See Also