Cued Language Transliterator Certification Examination to be offered in Pittsburgh, PA

By Suhad Keblawi | Sunday, Aug. 31, 2014

For the first time in many years, the TECUnit will offer the Cued Language Transliterator National Certification Examination (CLTNCE), which will coincide with the National Cued Speech Association (NCSA) board meeting in Pittsburgh, PA in November 2014.

The CLTNCE will take place on Saturday November 8, 2014 at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Pittsburgh, PA. Registration must be received by the TECUnit by October 16, 2014*.

For prerequisites for the exam and fees, individuals should check the TECUnit website at The NCSA website will post a flyer with information about prerequisites as well as fees for the CLTNCE. Individuals could also contact the TECUnit by email at, or leave a message at (800-523-0964), phone calls will be returned as soon as possible.

* The TECUnit would like to receive a minimum of four (4) registrations to hold the exam at this time. Therefore, the TECUnit will not deposit fees received until after October 16, so that they could return fees if the exam is not held due to low number of registrations.