By Tom Shull | Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016
In early February, American cuers Dr. Kelly Crain and Dr. Daniel Koo will travel to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. As in previous trips, introductory classes will be offered at the schools for the deaf. Dr. Koo, a deaf native cuer, will co-present Introduction to Visual Amharic (Amharic CS) with Thomas Shull. Dr. Crain intends to meet with school administration and faculty to discuss implementing bilingual education in Ethiopian Sign Language and VIsual Amharic.
For the first time, Intermediate Visual Amharic classes will be offered by deaf Ethiopian educators, Molash Hailu and Temesgen Tadele. These classes are sponsored by Dr. Miriam Redleaf, an ENT physician based in Chicago and the National Cued Speech Association in the United States. Biannual trips are planned to continue to train new cuers and foster this emerging Cued Speech community.