French Cued Speech (La Langue française Parlée Complétée)

You are viewing an old revision edited by Tom Shull on Tuesday, May 10, 2016, 9:04 a.m. Read the current version edited by Bryan Mulholland on Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 10:10 p.m. .

**This article uses the adaptive notation system you selected in you profile. You will also notice that many phonemes are written using the International Phonetic Alphabet. This is because some phonemes in French do not exist in American English and no equivalent could be shown.

La Langue française Parlée Complétée (LPC) is the French language term for cued French. Literally, the "Spoken French Language Completed", this term has been adopted over the previous and more general term Le Langage Parlé Complété which was equivalent to the term cued language.

Consonant Cues

Handshape Consonant Phonemes Examples
/ʒzhzhʒzhzhʒzhzh/, /ddddddddd/, /ppppppppp/ jeu (game) de (of) paume (hand)
/kkkkkkkkk/, /vvvvvvvvv/, /zzzzzzzzz/ café (cafe), va (go), zéro (zero)
/sssssssss/, /rrrrrrrrr/ souris (mouse)
/ɥ/, /bbbbbbbbb/, /nnnnnnnnn lui1 (him), bon (good), noir (black)
/ttttttttt/, /mmmmmmmmm/, /fffffffff/ ton (your) magasin (store) favori (favorite)
/ʃshshʃshshʃshsh/, /wwwwwwwww/,/lllllllll/, /ɲ/ chat (cat), oui (yes), la (the),  vigne2 (vine)
/ggggggggg/ gateâu3 (cake)
/ŋngngŋngngŋngng/, /jyyjyyjyy/ camping (camping), fille (girl)

1This sound is similar to the /ʍhwhwʍhwhwʍhwhw/ sound in some dialects of English.

2This single phoneme is similar to the Spanish ñ or the two phonemes /nnnnnnnnn/ and /jyyjyyjyy/ found in the word lasagna.

3Handshape 7 only represents a single consonant phoneme. 

Placement Vowel Phonemes Examples
/a/, /o/, /œ/, /ə/

ma (my), faux (fake), jeune (young), le (the)

/ɛ̃/, /ø/

main (hand), feu (fire)


/i/, /ɔ̃/, /ɑ̃/


lit (bed), ton (your), plan (plan)
/u/, /ɛ/, /ɔ/ tous (all), mais (but), fort (strong)
/œ̃/, /y/, /e/ un (a), tu (you), blé (wheat)

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