Handshape 1

You are viewing an old revision edited by Tom Shull on Friday, May 16, 2014, 4:58 p.m. Read the current version edited by Tom Shull on Monday, June 9, 2014, 6:27 a.m. .

Handshape 1 represents the consonants /ddddddddd, ppppppppp, ʒzhzhʒzhzhʒzhzh/. 


Mnemonic Phrases

  • deep azure
  • deep treasure
  • Zsa Zsa prefers diamonds
  • je dupe


Handshape 1 and Vowels

azureday, deepdid, die, do, paper, Papa, pay, pepper, per, pie

Handshape 1 and other consonant cues

bread, dance, days, dime, kept, lead, mind, plunge, top, words

More Practice

13,000+ Words that Use Handshape 1 - created using the Word List Generator

See Also