Handshape 3

You are viewing an old revision edited by Tom Shull on Friday, May 16, 2014, 7:42 a.m. Read the current version edited by Tom Shull on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014, 5:41 a.m. .

Handshape 3 represents the consonant phonemes /hhhhhhhhh, sssssssss, rrrrrrrrr/. 


Mnemonic Phrases

  • horse
  • sea horse
  • red hot sun
  • horrible reeking stench
  • rattlesnakes hiss


Handshape 3 and Vowels

air, C, cease, ear, hearse, hi, house, how, or, recess, rehearse, sea, see

Handshape 3 and Other Handshape Cues

base, hack, hopes, hot, houses, hurt, surfer, size, sleeps

More Practice

20,000+ Words that Use Handshape 3 - created by the Word List Generator

See Also