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The National Cued Speech Association's Instructor of Cued Speech National Certification Examination (ICSNCE). (informally referred to as the InsCert examination) is the national certification test for instructors of introductory Cued Speech. Passing this exam is a erquirement to become a Certified Instructor of Cued Speech.


  1. Basic Instructor Workshop


1.  Assessing Cue Errors: 30 video clips of single words and short phrases which may be correct or contain a handshape error, placement error, form error, or the incorrect number of cues.

2.  Multiple Choice Questions: 100 multiple choice questions covering a variety of topics (such as cueing mechanics, appropriate cueing, linguistics, research, representing the NCSA, other organizations related to cueing and deafness, interpreting and transliteration, audiology, speech, and speechreading)